Saturday, January 1, 2011

Eating Down the Pantry in January Challenge

I've decided to join Angela Barton's January pantry challenge. I have the impetus of it being a good excuse to clear out usefully overstocked aspects of my pantry (three cans of cocoa??) and the need to free up some cash for car maintenace on my fixed income.

Also, in my case, my pantry extends into my cellar where I have nearly 300 jars (most a pint or less) of preserves from this year's harvest season. A lot of it came from my garden or in-season and/or local sources.

The only things I should need to buy this month:
  • pre-made sandwich bread for my husband (I prefer homemade for myself)
  • milk (mostly for my husband; I did stock up on soy and I have almonds to make my own almond milk)
  • yogurt -- unless I can figure out how to make it as cheap or cheaper than a brand that I found I can digest
  • coffee (for my husband; I'll use more sparingly the decaf I have and drink more herbal and green tea)
  • onions (I'm running low on the 10 lb bag I bought in the early fall plus what I got from my garden)
  • frozen peas (we'll be doing more stews with grass-fed beef from the freezer)
  • lunch meat for my husband
I'll be blogging about interesting discoveries in pantry contents and what I did with them, new recipes and/or uses for things, and actual week-by-week food purchases.

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